Sunday, 25 April 2010

5 Photographers

Starting to put things together... My blog got picked up by a-n the other day on their facebook page. see here and here. It seems that talking about reviving an art school mentality is something that is close to a lot of student's/tutors hearts. A quiet observation has snowballed. Here is a little mock up of 5 Photographers...It needs a little work. And a a few more pages...

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Black Mountain College

Continuing with investigating Manchester School of Art whilst researching other famous art institutions, namely, Black Mountain College, North Carolina. A school that was only open from 1933 to 1957, producing artists such as Robert Rauschenberg and Cy Twombly who were taught by the likes of John Cage, Merce Cunningham and Josef Albers. I think I'm drawn to the mythical quality of this school-it's brief history and anti-academic, progressive principles...A magazine called '5 Photographers' was produced at the school by the photography students...There was one issue of 25 copies that is extremely rare and has seemingly slipped out of existence...inspired by Black Mountain College I have started to reproduce this magazine for my final project and this is the front cover...a slightly doctored version of a BMC review stolen from the library...

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Wednesday, 7 April 2010


New 8 mm film has arrived and Iv'e dusted off that old camera from the garage...Looking forward to making some films again...maybe with cats and boats, like this one...

Thursday, 1 April 2010


These drawings are a selection of pen and ink reproductions of sketched diary entries. Some are from travels and some are just from everyday observations. I've just made a section for them on my new website...