Wednesday, 30 June 2010

New Exhibition

Here are some pictures of '5 Photographers' a new exhibition in The Manchester Metroplitan University's All Saints Library curated by myself and the library featuring work from five of the BA Hons Photography Degree's new graduates.

The show is on from now and for the rest of the summer in the ground floor foyer, so take a look if your out and about in Manchester. Here is the website for more Info and Contact details.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Realisation of...

This is a picture of my degree show piece...dusty old projector and an 8mm film of Ed imitating Merce Cunninham...

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Friday, 25 June 2010

1st Class Honours and 5 Photographers

Got a First Class Honours for my degree in Photography and can't really believe it...I haven't had time to take stock... as I have been preparing for a new exhibition at All Saints Library, Manchester called 5 Photographers. The show is simply a selection of work by 5 photographers, including myself, from the BA Hons Photography Degree course. Should be up on the walls by Wednesday 30th June. Have a look at the (still being constructed!) website for more details about the

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Last night...

was my degree show. A brilliant, strange, fun night with lots of lovely art and wine...Had positive reactions and compliments about my work and even a little book commission...I will take a good pic of my installation and post it soon. The Show is on until Wednesday 24th June from 10am til 4pm.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Degree Show

Catalogue designed by Caitlin Howard and Sophie Lee

Photograph by Adam Mead, 2010

Photograph by Sophie Lee, 2010

If you are not doing anything this Friday come to my Degree Show ....Starts at 5:30 at The Manchester School of Art, Chatham Building, Cavendish Street, Manchester. My work is in room 111 (the photography department). I am showing a little 8mm film and my portfolio of books and prints. It promises to be an exciting evening with interesting and intriguing art and people....check out the website for more info!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

A Visit To An Art School

This is my new book piece/ magazine, 'A Visit To an Art School.' It is a collection of current photos of the students and work spaces at Manchester School of Art along with some found images and some archive photographs. It is printed in blue to represent the changes that are happening at the school and the negative feelings that they are producing. 'A Visit To An Art School' is a glimpse into student life past and present.